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Arnaud Gourvennec


Towards the sun of God

Celestial messages by Arnaud Gourvennec

Fernand LANORE


“To those who, like us, have lost a child,

To those who suffer,

We offer these messages from our child.

May they find consolation and hope there!

Nicole and Paul Gourvennec.


 “ Finally a great text!

  In the immense literature that constantly reaches us from the beyond, through various paranormal routes, here is something that stands out considerably!

  The hearts of very young children are eager to understand and very receptive to all that is beautiful. Hence all the strictly metaphysical questions that they pose very early on, and which often leave the adults that we are unanswered.

  Passed into the afterlife at the age of thirteen, Arnaud is now continuing his development. In his messages a very particular kind of authority appears. He speaks like someone who knows. But at the same time the humility is total, and the respect of those to whom it is addressed. Precisely because he knows. He also knows that he is only the channel and not the source and that his only role is to transmit faithfully, interfering as little as possible.

  It gives a certain tone of authenticity that others sometimes have tried to imitate, but to no avail. The friends of Pierre Monnier and Roland de Jouvenel will not be mistaken. It is indeed here the same pure air that we breathe, the same spiritual requirement which is that of absolute Love”.

(Father François Brune, author of numerous books on theology and spirituality)

 « Arnaud can seem severe at times. In fact, it never is. It is out of love for his readers that he issues warnings worthy of the prophets of the Old Covenant. »

(Brother Claude)

The cover, for each of the six volumes, is reduced to this:

Floating picture

 Just like Gitta Mallasz when she published her "Dialogues with the Angel", and Mrs. Monnier who sent us the "Lettres de Pierre", her son, Arnaud's parents wanted only the name of their son signs these works because they consider that it is he and he alone who wrote them.

 I admire people like Pierre Monnier, Roland de Jouvenel, Paqui or Arnaud Gourvennec. Their greatness of soul would allow them to join the highest spheres of light, and yet! they compel themselves to remain at the earthly level (a painful plan for them) to console and counsel. Arnaud described his situation as follows:

  « I am like a tethered balloon that will be completely released one day, once the mission is accomplished. »

 Elsewhere he exclaims:

  « What do you do with the revelations of the envoys, Angels or Messengers of God? Do you believe that I am what I am for my pleasure? I am for your salvation, in order to accomplish His will from Heaven! »


Contributions by Arnaud Gourvennec on the theme of:

 The life: everyday life, suffering, despair, old age 

 The way: the awakening, meditation, the purpose of life, God, religions 

 The love: the home, the meeting, romantic relationship, children, happiness 

 The death: the afterlife, lower astral, contacts, reincarnation, the animals, the suicide, Evil...