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  The courage

Courage is not the absence of fear, on the contrary
but acceptance and domination of fear.

Oppose evil,

in all its forms

Fear only your conscience

The complicit silence

☞ Relay the Sky

 An existence offers the soul a thousand opportunities to grow.
 To preserve it, one can turn away from those that entail risks,
  ...but then life loses its meaning.

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 « Don't miss a single opportunity to evolve☆

The fulfillment of our being

 « The purpose of our life during our passage on Earth, then after our death, in the various worlds of the beyond, is an increasingly complete realization of our being. »
[ Patricia Darré (medium) ]

« Every soul must become aware of itself little by little.

 In evolution, the mineral will become vegetable, the vegetable will become animal and the animal will become human. It is the long chain of life. »
(Hélène Bouvier, medium, "Mission of souls in the afterlife")

 « The important thing for you is to evolve in order to modify your vibrational state.
 The Earth is a domain that allows the soul to modify its vibrations through more or less difficult life experiences. »
(R. Terral-Meyer, 'Lettres de l’invisible')

. Never run away from obstacles, they will help you develop your mental and psychic resistance. »
[ Sylvie Lorain-Berger, "The messengers from beyond" ]

  Bow your head in front HIM !
  But raise it in front of everyone else!
[ "Dialogues with the Angel" ]

 « To do great things, you have to live as if you were never going to die. »
(Luc de Clapiers (1715 - 1747))

  Oppose evil in all its forms

 « There is no question of letting evil spread without reacting under the specious pretext of being non-violent or non-aggressive. »
(Jean Casault - metaphysician)

 « You should never want to obey laws that are not good. »
(David Louis, medium, "Beyond the Clouds")

 « You will be brought to judge yourselves according to your own laws. If your community forces you to violate them, you have the right to resist it if you are ready to pay the consequences. History is filled with saints, heroes, martyrs who chose responsibility rather than undergo. »
[ "To those who seek" ]

 « As soon as the subjects cease to fear the tyrant's strength, his power crumbles. »
(Gandhi)magnifying glassAuthorContributions of Mahatma Gandhi on the subject of:


 God charges us to tell you:  « Do not be afraid of men! preach it from the housetops; do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul ! »
[ Celestial Messages from Pierre Monnier ]

 « It is impossible for a coward to be virtuous. Love is not compatible with fear. »

 « According to the highest moral law you have an obligation to put an end to an aggression committed on another. But it is absurd to kill for an insult. »
[Inspired message to Neale Walsch]

 - Can man justify war?

 « Sometimes man must go to war to assert its highest values. »
[Inspired message to Neale Walsch]

 « One should rejoice in dying if it is impossible to live as a free man. »

 « It's more humane to kill a man than to make him crawl on his stomach. There may be certain situations which one can only face by renouncing life. »
(Gandhi)magnifying glassAuthorContributions of Mahatma Gandhi on the subject of:


   Fear only your conscience

 « On the path of initiation, the student must bring boldness and courage. Knowing how to look a danger in the face, trying without hesitation to overcome difficulties by thinking: "I must get rid of my anxiety and think only of what needs to be done."

 The psychic man needs a force which develops only in fearless and courageous natures (Gandhi, Luther-King, Nelson Mandela...). »
[ Rudolf Steiner ]

 « About some positions, cowardice asks, "Is it safe?". Opportunism asks, "Is it clever?".  Vanity asks, "Is it popular?". But the conscience asks, "Is that right?". And there comes a time when a person has to take a stand that's neither prudent nor clever nor popular, because his conscience tells him it's right.

 « The true measure of man is not the measure we take of him in moments of comfort, but in moments of danger, in moments of great crisis and upheaval. When I took up the cross, I knew what it meant. The cross can cause your popularity to plummet, or your budget to collapse. The cross is something you carry and eventually die on. »
( Martin Luther King )magnifying glassAuthorContributions of Martin Luther King on the subject of:


 « As soon as the Truth uses me to express itself, I am invincible. »
(Gandhi)magnifying glassAuthorContributions of Mahatma Gandhi on the subject of:


  The complicit silence

 « The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil,
but by those who look at them without doing anything. »
(Albert Einstein) magnifying glassAuthorContributions by Albert Einstein on the subject of:


 « The silent spectator must bear the responsibility for the brutalities committed by the bullies, the murderers of children.
 I have committed myself to the service of a principle according to which he who turns his eyes away from evil is in reality only allowing it. Those who commit lynchings, or pull the trigger, or wield electrified pikes act on behalf of those who remain silent. »
( Martin Luther King )

 « My credo is to serve God, and therefore serve humanity. My soul will deny itself any rest as long as it assists helplessly to a single suffering. »
(Gandhi)magnifying glassAuthorContributions of Mahatma Gandhi on the subject of:


 « Intolerance can be a virtue, because 'who does not say a word consents'. »
[ Sylvie Lorain-Berger, "The messengers from beyond" ]

 « Many people have no more terrible fear than to take a position which deviates markedly from current opinion. The tendency of many is to adopt a point of view that is ambiguous enough to include everything. »
( Martin Luther King )magnifying glassAuthorContributions of Martin Luther King on the subject of:



 ☞ Relay the Sky